Satisfactory Academic Progress

A Student’s academic progress is reviewed on a weekly basis. The following academic progress policy applies to all students attending ABC:

  1. The maximum time frame for which a student must complete the training program is 15 months, which is one and one-half the number of months required for normal completion of the program.
  2. The student must also have a cumulative grade average of 1.0 at the end of the first 25% of the program and a 1.5 at the midpoint of the maximum time frame allowed for completion.
  3. Upon completion of the training program, the student must have earned a cumulative grade average of 2.0 or better in order to meet graduation requirements. 

    If at any time these conditions are not being met, the Director of Education will implement attendance probation or academic dismiss
A. Probation

If a student fails to meet the requirements for satisfactory academic progress, consultation with a school official will be scheduled. The student will then be put on academic probation for one month. Upon completion of the probationary period, the student must meet the satisfactory progress requirements, or the student will be subject to dismissal.

B. Notice

The Director of Education will notify the student of their academic dismissal.

C. Appeal Procedure

A student may submit an appeal in the form of a letter along with any documentation to the Director of Education describing any undue hardship or circumstances which may have caused a failure to meet the satisfactory progress standards required. A review board will be convened by the Director of Education, and a determination of the appeal will be made within two weeks. Cases will be reviewed on an individual basis, and the student will be notified of his/her appeal in writing.

D. Reinstatement

If the suspension is successfully appealed, the student will be reinstated.

E. Repetitions, Incompletes, & Withdrawals

  1. A student may repeat a course that they failed or did not complete. However, the student would be expected to complete the program within the maximum time frame. The repeated grade will supersede any previous grade.
  2. A student receiving 0-grade points of “F” for a course must repeat the course. There is a charge to the student who must repeat a course due to excessive absences, missing and late assignments, or lack of class participation.
  3. A student receiving an “I” or incomplete grade will have two (2) weeks to correct any deficiencies. An incomplete grade not updated within two (2) weeks will revert to an “F,” requiring the student to repeat the course.
  4. Should a student withdraw before completing the program, non-punitive grades will be assigned only if a student was making satisfactory academic progress prior to the withdrawal. Non-punitive grades and hours accumulated will be recognized for a period of five (5) years based on Ohio State Barber Board requirements. The Barber Board may require preliminary testing of a student by the school prior to accepting previously accumulated grades or hours.